An enthusiastic effort for a fussy coffee drinker. I was very appreciative! Like a pudding course. From a pub in country Kent - cricket ground, working farm and girl on a pony. Felt like a secret place but with plenty of regulars in the pub - if only I'd noticed its name and whether it was an East or West Peckham...
My local - and also the best coffee in London. I like my capuccino to be creamy and full bodied. Not old fashioned. I'm with a smoker so we sit outside. Not comfy chairs - but when the coffee's good and I'm preoccupied with the daily cryptic...
Beautiful - eh? A heavily used mattress, two road cones and scaffolding. The tunnel to walk through while they paint the iron railway bridge. The street I'm used to and perfectly happy in, but taking the photo reminds me it isn't a utopia! But then I look up and the sky is blue and the buildings are unique The sales hoarding is washed often - the shiniest surface in this street